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The Career Coaching Process

Today is a straight forward outline of what I do when it comes to careers coaching.

Most of us, when we need or want to change job simply spruce up our CV and bang it out to as many people as possible. And then wonder why 6 months down the line after the honeymoon period ends we feel just the same as we did before. The place to start when contemplating a change is not the job market… it’s you. Essentially the process is Know Yourself…. Generate Ideas… Explore Options….Make a Decision.

This is how:

Know Yourself

It’s all in the preparation! If you know yourself it allows you to answer the fundamental Qs: ‘who am I?’ and ‘what do I want?’ ‘what am I good at?’. To answer that we look at:

  • Interests (what am I motivated to do?)
  • Values (what is really deep down important to me?)
  • When I’m at my best (what work roles and environments would suit me?)
  • Career ‘hot buttons’ (what are my key career drivers?)
  • Transferable Skills (what am I good at?)

Think of it as a jigsaw, working together we play detective to uncover the pieces of the puzzle.

Generate Ideas, Explore Opportunities

With better clarity and increased confidence that comes from knowing yourself we can start to look at ways to expand the conversation and uncover potential avenues to research. These could be about:

  • ways to improve your prospects
  • how to develop your potential
  • different work environments
  • new or complementary careers
  • your network and who can help

This can be the hardest part because this WILL take you outside your comfort zone. Why? Because it means talking to people! Too often we try and keep career change as an internal process thinking we have all the answers. Wrong! The answers lie ‘out there’ and our job is to find the right person or people who can provide the answers.

Time to Choose!

Together we look at all the bits of the jigsaw puzzle that is you, your life, your interests, abilities, what you want from a job and what opportunities we have created… then it’s down to you to decide.

Career change can never be rushed. That’s why so many are in jobs they don’t enjoy, they haven’t done their homework. A working life can easily last 50 years now, taking a couple of years to transitin to something you truly want to do doesn’t seem to long in that context yet what clients really want to hear from me is Oh I can make it happen in 3 months. I wish! Frankly any ‘career professional’ that says that should be avoided at all costs.

Until next time








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